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A Uniquely Personalized & Comprehensive Editorial Partnership

Letters to the Editor

DividerI so looked forward to writing this email, Jill. I am now Dr. Koretz. My defense was last week. The hearing went very well. Committee members asked me to write 3 different articles for journals in my field and to submit a proposal for a conference in England with regard to the NVivo qualitative software program I used to analyze the data.

Through your feedback, I realized that the final two chapters needed additional revamping to state intended meaning more succinctly. Based upon your recommendations, I modified Chapter IV both in charts and content, and reorganized Chapter V in ways that allowed me to capture the research intent; sharing the interactive literacy and referral stories of each participant in my study. I could not have accomplished this goal without your guidance and direction.

Your expertise in so many areas--dissertation writing, editing, knowledge in word usage and APA (to name a few)--were key instruments in helping me organize and report my research project as a cohesive document. Based upon your critique, valid questions, professional standards, and detailed suggestions and changes, my dissertation research was presented as a cohesive study.

Your understanding of both the dissertation process and the concepts conveyed in my study were direct hits! Your explanations were explicit. Your choice of words, grammatical structures, skilled manipulation of APA, and elimination of unneeded extras made the content precise and the message to the point.

I humbly appreciate both your skills and your dedication to making my work the best it could be. Your desire and ability to take personal interest in me as your client, your professionalism, and your skills in molding a piece of writing to ensure that the research message is distinct and clear, is truly a measure of how gifted you are in your field. As a tribute, I personally acknowledged you in my dissertation by writing, "To Jill Eastwood, I sincerely thank you for teaching me both the art of 'word-smithing' and the intricacies of APA." Although this message was short in words, it was large in meaning.

If you ever need a reference to communicate with prospective clients, I would be more than happy to share my positive experience working with you.

Again, I thank you.

Ellen Koretz, Ed.D., University of Massachusetts-Lowell
Graduate School of Education
Language Arts and Literacy Education

Dear Jill

This is just a note to formally acknowledge and thank you for the excellent editorial support that you provided to me during my Ed.D. studies. From proposal stage to the form and style stage of my study, your expertise and recommendations were invaluable and superb! Even when the work became tedious and frustrating, you continued to provide me with the highest level of academic and emotional support.

You taught me so many things about professional writing guidelines and I cherished how you consistently and regularly communicated with me. What¹s more, your fees were very reasonable and affordable considering how meticulous your edits were. The edit was accepted by the publisher and my doctoral committee without any requests for revisions.

I am grateful to you forever. I hope that you will be available to me for future witting projects. Thanks for everything, and may God bless you always.

Chinazo Echezona-Johnson, Walden University
Visiting Nurse Service of New York, Bronx, NY

Jill, I thank you for so many things.

Your impeccable communication, fabulous and well-timed sense of humor, and ability to keep me on the path; your depth of integrity, holistic approach to the project, and ability to "turn a pet rock into a diamond"; your amazingly quick turnaround and eloquent presentation of ideas while always keeping the reader in mind; and your magical touch in simplifying, clarifying, and ordering ideas in formulating a cogent, thought-provoking work.

I learned as much from you, and your editing, as I did from the actual research project. This was an unexpected gift! It was as if I'd taken a critical thinking course, along with a writing course, in addition to the actual research! I'm so grateful to have had this opportunity to work with you; you're "top notch." You came highly recommended from a variety of sources (professionals in the field, as well as university faculty), and I also would absolutely, wholeheartedly recommend you and your work!

I hope ours will be a long-term partnership, and I thank you so much for "taking me under your wing" as a newcomer to the research process. You really helped take what initially seemed a dry and, at times, intimidating process, and turned it into a rewarding, poignant, and meaningful opportunity.

Heidi Clarke, M.A., Notre Dame de Namur University
Department of Counseling Psychology
Belmont, California


Thank you for your exceptional editorial support, Jill. You consistently approach my projects (both academic and business related) with an exacting eye. You're an expert in your field and your ideas, constructive criticism, and solid editing continuously bring my work to a much higher level, which has served me invaluably!!

I am grateful for the quality of your work, as well as the level of organization to which you adhere in terms of creating client systems that make working across the miles most efficient. Your prices are extremely fair, and have always been well worth the investment for the high level of expertise and professionalism you provide.

Krista Wells, Ph.D., Alliant International University
Wells Consulting Services, Hartford, CT


Hi Jill,

I wanted to share the awesome news with you since you have been a big part of my success. You have been a great help; I am happy to have found you. As of today, my dissertation has been fully approved by my mentor, committee members, the school, and Doctoral Publication Review. . . . I will receive my Ph.D. in Philosophy with a Specialization in Leadership. I hope to walk in the graduation ceremony in March. Again, thank you for everything.

Jill, you are truly the best at what you do and I am grateful for your graciousness and all that you have helped me accomplish. I sincerely appreciate you from the bottom of my heart.

Angela Hicks, Ph.D., Capella University
Shaw Enterprises Incorporated, Martinez, GA



What would I do without you? Thank you so much for your time, understanding, and patience.

Kristin Houghton, Ed.D., Walden University
Cecil County Public Schools, Port Deposit, MD


Dear Jill:

I am writing this correspondence with the intent to express my sincere gratitude for your edit of my dissertation proposal. To be quite frank, your role in this process was indispensable. Due to the fact that I am not an expert in the fields of English grammar or the publishing guidelines set forth by the American Psychological Association, I would have "never" accomplished the completion of this milestone on my merits alone. Because of your expertise in the field of non-content editing, I was able to get my thoughts on paper without the constant worry of such ambiguities as phraseology, paragraph structure, grammar, and university requirements for the document layout. Accordingly, I can emphatically state that your reputation definitely "lives up" to your work.

In addition, I would like to commend you for your caring demeanor. Although I have never met you, I feel as if I have known you for years. I really appreciate the fact that you would always find time to answer my telephone calls and respond to my e-mails. Also, you never made one of my "many" questions sound hebetudinous through your answers; you always took time to explain--sometimes very complex issues--in a most painstaking manner.

Finally, I wish to commend you on the appearance of the final document. It is perfect with regards to the layout requirements set forth by Mississippi State University and it reads fantastically. No matter what my committee decides, I am proud of what I have produced thanks to your "extra set of eyes." When I defend my proposal, I will be able to attend that meeting with the utmost confidence that I have submitted a "very" professional document.

Jill, I highly recommend your services to all dissertation writers. You are awesome! Thanks!

Phillip Crenshaw, Ph.D. Candidate, Mississippi State University
East Central Community College, Decatur, MS


Dear Jill,

My name is Michael Dotson; I am a doctoral candidate at Grand Canyon University, working toward a Ph.D. with an emphasis in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. You are highly recommended to me as one of the best APA editors in the business. The person informs me that his previous doctoral students have had terrific success because of your editing expertise before submitting their proposals to AQR. I am at this point with my research proposal and need your help. I will much appreciate it if you consider editing my proposal before I resubmit it to the methodologist.

Michael D. Dotson, Doctoral Candidate, Grand Canyon University
California State University, Bakersfield, CA


Although compliments may be difficult for you, Jill, I must continue. Honestly, without you, I would still be working on my dissertation. Because of you, I never felt overwhelmed. When stress bubbled up, you were the voice of reason and sanity.

Indeed, a dissertation is a team effort. One that includes families, pets, and all who were supportive. In many ways, you joined my family by being an integral member of my team. Unknowing to you, you sat at our dinner table, came on vacations, and shadowed me through the tedium of research. In the end, you transferred my life's work into a polished masterpiece. I have received incredible feedback, and never hit even a "bump in the road" because of how complete and polished it was.

Jill . . . a dissertation is a huge "monkey" on one's back. Thank you for taking the animal off my back, bearing the burden, and then gently releasing it to a safe, wonderful place.

Christine Racanelli, Ph.D., Walden University
Riverdale Mental Health Associates, Chappaqua, NY



The Graduate Review Committee has approved my manuscript! I am so happy. This would not have been possible without you. Thank you so much for all of your work with me on this; I am so appreciative. If not for you, this good news would not have transpired. You are the best!

Sylvia Rodriguez, Ph.D., California Coast University
Glendale Union High School District, Glendale, AZ


Ms. Eastwood, my dissertation has been approved. Thank you so very much for your assistance; I cannot put into words how much it has meant to me and done for me. I know you hear this type of thing all of the time, and I really wish there was some unique way I could let you know how I am feeling, but words fail.

Mechell Toles, Ph.D., Walden University
Whitehaven Southwest Mental Health Center, Memphis, TN


Greetings Jill,

I am deeply thankful for your help during the past few months and I can't express that enough. This was my first experience pursuing editorial services. Before seeking out your help, I confess to almost giving up on my dream of getting my Master's degree. I would highly recommend your help to those in a similar situation as my own. I found your talent and dedication has exceeded my expectations, met my deadlines, and ended up being under budget. I thank you for not only taking a personal interest in my success, but for providing top notch advice and world class support. Without your help I would not be in the position I am today, weeks away from publishing my thesis and then on to Graduation!

Forever indebted to you!!

Ian Williams, M.A., University of Northern Iowa
Metal Technologies, Inc., Ravenna, MI


Dear Jill,

I just wanted to thank you for your attention to detail, technical expertise, and your desire to provide the highest quality. You have made a big difference for me in finishing a timely and polished thesis. I was very happy with the final outcome. Thanks again.

Annette Simao, M.S., Walden University
New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York



You were recommended by both Walden University and APA itself . . . and recommended as the best! What a careful, superior job you have done on Julie's master's project. Thank you for your effort!

Nancy Lees Fountain for daughter,
Julie Rosser, M.A., Loyola College, Baltimore, MD


Dear Jill,

If someone wants to make sure they pass or are approved, YOU are the one to ask for support!! Your attention to detail and thorough support with regard to all aspects of editing, turned my paper into a star. Thank you :-)

Paula Casella, Ph.D. Candidate, Institute of Transpersonal Psychology
San Francisco, California


Dear Jill,

I attended commencement last week and had my doctorate officially conferred. My wife, children, and parents were all there. I wanted to say a special thank you for your guidance, assistance, mentoring, and kick in the butt!! You are an awesome person and I hope that one day I can repay the favor.

Chris Reynolds, Ed.D., Argosy University
Hillsborough County Fire Rescue, Tampa, FL